290 institutions / universities attended the World Conference: “NEW NORMAL: Digital Transformation in Business, Entrepreneurship, Economic, Education, Higher Education, Sustainability and Technology” held by Narotama University online, Saturday (11/07/2020). This activity was also attended by 724 participants via via zoom and 1,447 participants via live Youtube. Keynote speakers 10 people came from seven countries (Indonesia, UK, Australia, Malaysia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Brunei).
The host and speaker of this event is Ts. Dr. Md Ashiyzan b Razik (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Prof. Madya Dr. Mohammad Ismail (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Dr. Ir. H. Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, ST, MT, IPM (Rector of Narotama University), Dr. M. Ikhsan Setiawan (Deputy Rector I of Narotama University), Agus Sukoco, ST, MM (Head of Management Study Program), Dr. Musnaini, SE, MM ((Jambi University), Assoc, Prof. Dr. Che Zalina Zulkifli (UPSI Malaysia), and Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi bin Sedon (UPSI Malaysia).
Keynote speakers are Inayat Taufik, MBA (NOKIA Asia Pacific), Dr. Ir. Musyafirin (West Sumbawa Regent, Indonesia), Bambang Haryo Soekartono (PT. Dharma Lautan Utama), Mukti Rahajo, ST, MT (COBIT 5 Specialist, Indonesia), Mr. Satchithananthan Chelliah (Owner of Little India Hobart Tasmania, Australia), Hj. Masnah Busyro, SE (Regent of Muaro Jambi, Indonesia), Prof. Noor Azlinna Azizan (College of Business Prince Sultan University, KSA), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alaa Younes (Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies at Suez University, Egypt), Prof. Ibrahim Hasan (UNDP, Alexandria University, Egypt), and Assoc. Prof. Dani Harmanto, Ph.D (De Montfort University, UK). [UN]
Photo: World Conference: “NEW NORMAL: Digital Transformation in Business, Entrepreneurship, Economic, Education, Higher Education, Sustainability and Technology”, Saturday (11/07/2020).