A total of 581 participant / presenters and 1,803 participant live Youtube on “International Conference on Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Research, Grant, Academic, Curriculum and Accreditation” organized by Narotama University and Mercubuana University online via zoom and live Youtube, Saturday (18) / 7/2020). 14 keynote speakers came from five countries (Indonesia, UK, Malaysia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia).
Worldconference 5 Countries “International Conference on Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Research, Grant, Academic, Curriculum and Accreditation” all hosts, speakers and keynote speakers, agreed post Covid-19 migration of the Tridharma process of education, research and community service, to digital devices online, where lecture halls, research buildings and Tridharma activity centers are no longer dominant with activities and move to digital online.
The host and speaker of this event is Dr. Ir. H. Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, ST, MT, IPM (Rector of Narotama University), Dr. M. Ikhsan Setiawan (Deputy Rector I of Narotama University), Agus Sukoco, ST, MM (Head of Management Study Program), Dr. Musnaini, SE, MM ((Jambi University), Acep Hidayat, MT (Mercu Buana University), M. Isradi, MT, IPM (Mercu Buana University), Ts Dr. Md Ashiyzan b Razik (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Che Zalina Zulkifli (UPSI Malaysia), and Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi bin Sedon (UPSI Malaysia).
Keynote speakers are Dato Prof. Dr. Mohd Idrus bin Mohd Masirin (UTHM Malaysia), Prof. Dr. Sudrajat Supian (Dean of FMIPA Unpad, Indonesia), Prof. Ibrahim Hasan (UNDP, Alexandria University, Egypt), Prof. Hadi Susanto (University of Essex-UK, Khalifa University-UAE), Prof. Fauziah Ahmad (Uniersiti Sains Malaysia), Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mohd Fadzil Bin Arshad (Deputy Dean of UiTM Malaysia), Assoc.Prof. Ts Dr. Mohd Haziman Bin Wan Ibrahim (Deputy Dean of FKAAB UTHM, Malaysia), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Zahuri Kharani (Dean FACCI-UPSI, Malaysia), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dani Harmanto (De Montfort University, UK), Dr. Hanisa bt Hadsan (Dean of the Faculty of Technology and UMK Inheritance), Dr. Sri Marti Pramudena, SE, MM (Mercu Buana University, Indonesia), Dr. Fitriaty, SE, MM (Chair of PUJA ICT UNJA), and Inayat Taufik, MBA (NOKIA Asia Pacific). [UN]

Photo: International Conference on Digital Transformation in Higher Education: Research, Grant, Academic, Curriculum and Accreditation, Saturday (7/18/2020).

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