The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic that has not yet ended so that the 5 Countries Worldconference activities “International Platform Digital Conference In Higher Education: Research, Community Services, Industrial Connection and Digitalpreneur” held by Narotama University on Saturday (7/25/2020) were held online /on line.
All hosts, speakers and keynote speakers agreed to migrate the Tridharma process of education, research and community service, to online digital devices, where lecture buildings, research buildings and Tridharma centers are no longer dominant with activities and move to digital online. Keynote speakers 17 people came from five countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia).
The host and speaker of this event is Dr. M. Ikhsan Setiawan, ST, MT (Deputy Rector I of Narotama University), Dr. Ir. H. Sri Wiwoho Mudjanarko, ST, MT, IPM (Rector of Narotama University), Agus Sukoco, ST, MM (Head of Management Study Program), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Che Zalina Zulkifli (UPSI Malaysia), Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi bin Sedon (UPSI Malaysia), M. Isradi, MT, IPM (Mercu Buana University), Dr. Musnaini, SE, MM ((Jambi University), Siti Fatahiyah Mahmood (Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia), and Ts Dr. Md Ashiyzan b Razik (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan).
Keynote speakers are Dato Prof. Dr. Mohd Idrus bin Mohd Masirin (UTHM Malaysia), Prof. Dr. Makbul Anwari (ECE Department, King Abdul Azi University), Prof. Dr. Roselina Ahmad Saufi (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Prof. Dr. Dana Santoso Suroso (Rector of the BRI Institute), Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mohd Zahuri Khairani (Dean FACCI-UPSI, Malaysia), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Nor Hakimin b Yusof (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Norhayate bt Wan Daud (Sultan Zainal Abidin University), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wasana Boonsong (Rajamanggala University of Technology), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Arrieya b Ariffin (UPSI Malaysia).
Then there’s Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shafie Mohamed Zabri (Education Malaysia London), Assisst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Baker Mohammed al-Abbas (University of Jordan), Ts. Dr. Muhammad Saufi b Che Rusuli (Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Dr. Abdul Hafaz b Ngah (Universiti Malaysia Trengganu), Dr. Nik Mohd Norfadzilah b Nik Mohd Rashid (University of Sultan Zainal Abidin), Dr. Zainuddin Ibrahim (Head of Center for Innovative Delivery & Learning Development HEA UiTM), Ir. Resi Aseanto, ST, MT, MM, IPM (Operations and Commercial Director of PT Permata Graha Nusantara PGN Subsidiary), and Usman Sulaiman (General Chairperson of KADIN Jambi Province. [UN]
Photo: International Platform Digital Conference In Higher Education: Research, Community Services, Industrial Connection and Digitalpreneur, Saturday (7/25/2020)